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Delivering top service

As a contractor and small business, it is important to ensure that you deliver top quality service to your customers. Customers have many options to choose from so it is imperative for your company to stand out. If you are a plumber, restoration company, or specialize in other home repairs then you have to keep in mind that you cannot afford to lose customers. Here are some tips on delivering top service.

1.) Always answer the phone and respond back to customers quickly
2.) Schedule appointments quickly
3.) Arrive at the appointment on time and take your time to assess the scope of work and make sure to listen to the customer as they explain their needs.
4.) Provide estimate right away and be ready to start the job immediately
5.) Do not start the project unless you have a work authorization signed. Take before, during, and after pictures.
6.) Collect some money upfront and/or discuss billing terms and methods of payment.
7.) Communicate to the customer and remain proactive throughout the job.

These are some of the items that you can do to help improve customer satisfaction. Everything mentioned above can be completed using Resilient Pro CRM without much effort. You can quickly create and send estimates and invoices from the mobile app. In addition, you can schedule appointments and take pictures while performing the job. Resilient Pro CRM is the right solution for any business that wants to offer great service and maintain good records.

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